Confirmation Class Learns About Sin


Confirmation Class Learns About Sin

How does a Confirmation Class turn into an exercise in testing the tensile strength of toilet tissue? When the topic is "We wander far from God": The sins we commit and the Sin of the World. We started with a few layers on our semi-willing model's wrists, then arms, then shoulders and ankles. When we realize we've done wrong, we can ask and be forgiven. Sometimes we're able to undo the harm we've done and clean up the messes we've made. But life in this world ties us up in Sin. It takes us beyond anything we can fix. So we have to rely on God's free mercy and unconditional love... which leads us to the next lesson, "Jesus is the way to God." (Thanks to Shannon Wiggan, who didn't know just what would happen when she was recruited!) Click on an image to advance the slide show.


An opportunity to share in an important conversation.


An opportunity to share in an important conversation.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada is engaged in church-wide conversation about human sexuality. Key concerns are the denomination's position regarding homosexuality, marriage, and the eligibility of LGBTQ+ persons for office and leadership in the church.

Two official bodies are leading the conversations. The Life and Mission Agency of the denomination (staff and a committee from across the church); and the General Assembly Standing Committee on Church Doctrine (representatives nominated by Presbyteries and theological faculty of our colleges). The Church Doctrine Committee is divided. They seek input from Presbyterians through several media. One is an online survey.

Glenview Session encourages you to follow the link below and express your views. There will be opportunities for response within our congregation, as well. We are asked to respond by January 31, 2018. To respond to the survey you do not have to read all the documentation provided. There is a summary in the survey.

Link to Church Doctrine Committee Survey.


The 10 Plagues Competition

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The 10 Plagues Competition

This fall, our youth group and Kidsview students have been learning about the Moses and the exodus from Egypt. While our younger children were manna in the kitchen, our older students competed in a series of trivia questions and challenges based on the ten plagues. 

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Remembrance Day at Glenview


Remembrance Day at Glenview

We will observe Remembrance Day in both services on Sunday.

Our guests at the 10:30 service will be members of the Saint Andrew's Society of Toronto on their annual Church Parade.


Glenview wins Heritage Toronto Award


Glenview wins Heritage Toronto Award

At a ceremony on Monday, October 23, Heritage Toronto presented an award to Glenview and our architects in honour of their work on the new north entrance, lobby, and elevator. The award was accepted by architects Elizabeth Davidson and Janet Harrison, and Nancy Thornton, on behalf of Glenview. The trophy will be at Glenview for all to see on Sunday. It will be on permanent display near the elevator, soon.

This is a press release from Heritage Toronto.

The William Greer Architectural Conservation & Craftsmanship Award for a small project goes to Glenview Presbyterian Church.

Wanting to serve its community the best it can, Glenview Presbyterian Church embarked on a project to provide full accessibility to its facility by adding new barrier free walkways, accessible washrooms and an elevator.

Adding an elevator required a new three floor addition on the north side of the building. This elevator lobby, anchored by the existing sandstone walls of the church which emphasizes the heritage aspects of the existing façade, now serves as the building’s main entrance. The result is a space that allows visitors to appreciate the existing stained glass windows, stone coping and sandstone cladding now situated in the lobby space.

The project was commissioned by The Trustees of Glenview Presbyterian Church, and completed by Harrison Duong Architects Incorporated (formerly Janet L. Harrison, Architect) and Davidson Langley Incorporated Architects.

Come and get a better view of the trophy on Sunday. Meanwhile, share the happiness!

Come and get a better view of the trophy on Sunday. Meanwhile, share the happiness!


Trick or eat was a success!


Trick or eat was a success!


ViewPoint Youth went back out in the neighbourhood on Sunday afternoon, gathering groceries. Donations continue to come in to the church and you can add to the pile until Wednesday morning.


Trick or Eat - Let's Scare Hunger Away!

On Friday, October 20th, 4:30-6:00 Glenview Youth will distribute bags in neighbourhoods around the church. Neighbours are invited to fill the bags, or as many bags as they like, with food.

On Sunday, October 22, after worship Glenview Youth will be collecting the bags in support of the North York Harvest Food Bank. This annual event in partnership with local Churches, helps us tackle hunger in our own communities.

A donation bin will be at Glenview all week. Thank you for your support.

Most Needed Donations Include:

  • Canned fruits and vegetables,
  • dried pasta,
  • tomato sauce,
  • lentils and beans,
  • powdered or canned milk,
  • baby formula and baby food,
  • canned fish and meat,
  • boxes of macaroni and cheese.


Orabi Family Update


Orabi Family Update

Here’s the graduation picture of Yamen, going from Sr Kindergarten to Grade One.  How proud is he!!  He couldn’t wait to share the picture.  Not bad for a child who has been going to school only since January! 

Nabil and Tim went to Costco last week and his eyes were pretty wide.  He bought some cheeses, diapers, etc. etc.  He filled his cart no problem.  It was an enjoyable outing.

Nabil had his first appointment with a dentist at Mt. Sinai Hospital. There will be many more visits.  Yamen will see the dentist later this month. His teeth, as reported earlier are not in great shape.  There is work to be done.  His dental treatment will be free!  Yaman’s teeth are fine for the moment.  Rawaa also needs work.

The family continues to make friends.  The Orabis and three other families went to the beach.  They had a BBQ and the men and boys went swimming in the lake.  The verdict was….very cold water!  Nabil says often that his family are very, very happy in Toronto.

Thanks to Tim and Dan for all your work with the family. Thanks, Tim, for providing this update.



Congratulations Chad and Lyn on Your 70th Anniversary!


Congratulations Chad and Lyn on Your 70th Anniversary!

Glenview Family News:

On Sunday, July 23, Chad and Lyn Bark celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary. That's the Platinum Anniversary, in case you want to send them a late gift! Congratulations to two of our especially lively, loving senior members! Thanks to Jeanette for the pictures.



Update on the Orabi Family


Update on the Orabi Family

We were delighted to visit with the whole family last Sunday. They joined us for our barbecue. Nabil and Rawaa were fasting for Ramadan, but the children enjoyed food and treats. They had a great time and expressed thanks afterward. This kind of contact is very important.

The ESL classes for Nabil are progressing.  As soon as there is a place in day care Rawaa will also be attending.  We are awaiting word from the city.

The boys love their school.  Both of them have made friends.  Yamen is especially proud of his school work.  He never misses a chance to show it to visitors.  His English is quite good.

Their happiness in Canada is without question but there are times when Rawaa misses her mother quite a bit as can be expected. 

Each day we are with them we see a family who is responsible, happy and thankful for the chance to live here.  They have become part of our lives. 


Our New Administrator - Bookkeeper


Our New Administrator - Bookkeeper

We have a new administrative staff person in the Church Office. Metumo Hiwilepo will serve in this new position, covering both administration and bookkeeping. Metumo and her daughter, Kuo are part of our congregation already. Metumo has a Bachelor of Accountancy Degree from the University of Namibia. Her continuing education has included courses in auditing, computer skills, fundraising, and transitioning from accounting practice overseas to working in Canada. She has extensive work and volunteer experience in office settings and in front-line customer service in the United Kingdom, Namibia, and Canada.

For the next few weeks Metumo will work closely with our Interim Bookkeeper, Senior Minister, and the volunteers who have been covering administration since January. Please be patient. Between now and the end of June the Church Office will be in transition. Metumo's learning curve will be steep.

We will continue with limited open office hours until further notice - Mon - Fri, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The office will be staffed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, so there will always be someone to take your call or respond to your message.


Another Successful "Planting Hope" Sale!


Another Successful "Planting Hope" Sale!

Thursday, May 11 was a chilly but clear day for Glenview's annual sale in support of Portland Place and Evangel Hall Mission. All the profit on sales of over $18,000 will go to these two ministries in downtown Toronto.

Check out our Flickr Photo Album through this link.



Clean the Ravine Photo Gallery

A dedicated group of volunteers from Glenview took part in the City of Toronto's Community Spring Clean up by filling several garbage bags worth of trash in the Blythwood Ravine


Update on the Orabi Family


Update on the Orabi Family

The family is heavily involved in ESL and they are doing well.  Andrew Woodbury, known to many on our congregation, is is our main teacher. He is an ESL specialist and has recruited some of his colleagues to help. We are grateful to Andrew for his enthusiastic acceptance of our invitation to volunteer. A neighbour of Glenview, Nahla Ghoneim, an engineer from Egypt, responded to news on our website and volunteered to help in any way she can. She has joined the ESL roster. She speaks Arabic, of course, and has great teaching skills. Our volunteer teachers offer two to three sessions each week. Nabil and Rawaa continue to attend classes twice per week. They still have a long way to go but it has been much better since we started these private lessons. 

Rawaa had her 27th birthday a few days ago.  Tim S. was able to go to the apartment with a card and to wish her Happy Birthday.

The family attended Pancake Tuesday at the church.  They are still getting used to Canadian food!  The adults ate pancakes and halal sausages, as did Yaman but Yamen is very fussy! The family also attended Out of the Cold on Sunday, March 5.  Nabil and the boys had fun setting the tables with placemats and cutlery. We're grateful Andrew and Nayla were also able to come to the pancake supper.

Nabil is very proud of his new glasses. The doctor at the Women's College Hospital Refugee Clinic recommended an eye exam. Nabil's last exam was seven years ago and he has had difficulty for some time. Eyecare is another benefit of the federal government's refugee resettlement program.

As always, thanks to everyone for ongoing contributions. We continue to be able to provide support for the Orabis from within the circle of Glenview and the University Women's Club, and our neighbourhood.

Please accept the Orabi family’s gracious invitation to a reception in their home on March 30th, 7 to 9 pm.  For details and to RSVP by March 26th contact Dan Melhem at dmelhem [at] or leave a message for Dan at the church office (416-488-1156).

Rawaa and Nahla tackle the English language

Rawaa and Nahla tackle the English language

Nabil's New Glasses

Nabil's New Glasses


Glenview Video Goes Viral

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Glenview Video Goes Viral

Well, viral when compared to our other videos! The video we posted on Facebook on January 30 has attracted over 3700 views in one week! Watch Jacques Arsenault stepdance. His performance was the Grand Finale of the entertainment that followed Glenview's 92nd Anniversary Luncheon on January 29.


Uploaded by Laurence DeWolfe on 2017-02-06.

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Refugee Sponsorship Update 7

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Refugee Sponsorship Update 7


Our team had their monthly budget meeting with the Orabi family last Wednesday. It was a good meeting. The team discussed some of the things going on at Rose Avenue School: Valentine's Day, report card day and school music days. Rawaa blushed when Valentine’s Day was mentioned. Apparently it means something different in Syria! Since they missed parent teacher interviews in mid-January, scheduling one in February was suggested. They agreed and will do so.

There was a great discussion on the happenings in Quebec City and the general issues in the world directed at Muslims.  Although Rawaa was a bit frightened, they know that these incidents are rare in Canada and that we are all behind them 100%.  They are part of our church family and we support them completely. It made them feel good to have this conversation.

Last Saturday our team took the family to the Adonis grocery to shop for food. That is always a fun time.  The kids love whipping around the store with the buggy! After discussing their English classes with Nabil and Rawaa team members felt they need to be in a program where they will learn more. This is their desire.

After a long wait the whole family will visit the clinic at Women’s College Hospital later this month. This is good news.

Thank you for your continued support of our sponsorship of this wonderful family from Syria!

WE WILL SOON NEED support to cover dental expenses for Nabil and Rawaa. More details to come. The children's dental care is covered by a city program.

THANKS! as always to Tim Steele and Dan Melhem for the many hours they continue to spend with the Orabis.

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Glenview Honours a Faithful Disciple


Glenview Honours a Faithful Disciple

Thank you to Joan Neilson

On Sunday, January 22, following the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, Glenview recognized Joan Neilson's many years of work for the Canadian Bible Society. Joan has presented Bibles to baptized children for more years than anyone can remember! She says ten years, but we know it's many more than that. Everyone in the congregation who received a Bible from Joan, or whose child received one raised a hand. It was a wonderful sight!

If you have a memory of Joan presenting a Bible to you or your child(ren), please share it as a comment below. Include the year the Bible was given.
