Glenview has been serving the City of Toronto and building relationships with our surrounding community since 1924.

We run a Grocery Assistance ministry, where on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding July and August) we provide a $10 grocery store gift card to 150 families who come to our office door from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Glenview has partnered with Blessed Sacrament Church and is again serving Out of the Cold dinners every Sunday evening. Doors open at 3:30, dinner is served between 5:00 and 5:30. Open to all from Sunday, November 3 to Sunday, March 30, 2025.

Glenview supports the ARISE Ministry, which helps women involved in Toronto’s sex trade.

Glenview is a proud supporter of Evangel Hall Mission (EHM), Portland Place and the Gerstein Crisis Centre, non-profit housing corporations and downtown missions that help homeless and socially isolated individuals find counselling, mental health services and safe havens where they can find community and hope.

Our Special Fund and regular fundraising efforts support Daily Bread Food Bank and Native Child and Family Services Toronto.

Glenview also hosts meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon.