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ON SUNDAY DECEMBER 4 we had a wonderful time meeting Nabil, Rawaa, Yamen, Yaman, and Arwa Orabi. Thanks to everyone who came to welcome them with so much enthusiasm. Special thanks to members of our team and their helpers who prepared for the event and brought some special Syrian treats for us all to enjoy. And thanks to our partners in sponsorship, the North Toronto chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women. We can't forget Tim Steele, who chaired the event, our bus driver Harold McDonald, photographer Jim Campbell, and (of course!) our faithful translator Dan Melhem. Click on the picture below to see the next one, and the one after that...
Thanks to Glenview's photographer Jim Campbell for capturing these images from our December 3rd Christmas fair.
Saturday, December 3, 10am to 2pm
The Christmas Fair is a wonderful showcase. Premium baked goods, preserves and sauces, Christmas merchandise and gifts, hand made ornaments, candles, decorations, and stocking stuffers. Silent Auction items include two quilts.
Sunday, November 6 at Terminal 1: The Orabi family arrived at last! Photos by Jim Campbell. Check out Jim Campbell's photos in this Flickr album. We are so happy the family has arrived. They are settled in their apartment after a long day of travel. Now the work begins, as we support them in their new life in Canada. Thanks for all the support so far, including welcome gifts, from Glenview and the North Toronto chapter of Canadian Federation of University Women. And we are deeply grateful to Rob Shropshire of PWS&D, our partner at every step of the way. Last, but really first, thanks to Dan and Tim for all you have done and will continue to do.
New Travel Arrangements Confirmed for November 6
We have confirmation of the Orabi family's travel to Toronto. We expect them to arrive on the evening of Sunday, November 6. Let us pray for good health for everyone in the family and no more obstacles in their path to Canada.
Sunday, October 16 is UN World Food Day
At Glenview we will mark this day in worship and at a Lunch and Learn after the 10:30 service. The theme for this year is "Food Security". We'll explore this theme with the help of partners in mission: locally, with the North York Harvest Food Bank; globally, with Presbyterian World Service and Development and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. We will hear from guest speakers in worship and at lunch. Our youth will provide leadership at the 10:30 service and we will follow an order of service offered to us by Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Church School classes will also be devoted to the theme of the day. After the Lunch and Learn our youth will prepare for Trick or Eat 2016. This is an important day for all ages. Come, worship, learn, and eat together.
We've been waiting a long time to welcome the Syrian family that we have sponsored! The Orabi family have been waiting much longer in Beirut, after fleeing the devastation of their neighbourhood in a suburb of Damascus. Their home is gone. They're looking forward to making a new home in Canada. We've been talking with them about once a week since we first learned their names in the Spring, thanks to our faithful translator and interpreter, Dan.
October 4
Nabil and Rawaa, their sons Yamen (age 5), Yaman (4), and baby daughter Arwa (nine months) were scheduled to arrive in Toronto this evening. Last Friday we received word that their departure from Beirut has been delayed. Baby Arwa has an ear infection. She was to see a doctor today. We will keep in touch with the family. We hope and pray for a speedy recovery and an arrival in Canada soon.
October 5
We called Beirut this morning. Arwa has been given a clean bill of health. Apparently she had been sick for a week or so and the visit to the doctor was a follow-up. She has finished her antibiotics and is clear to fly. The doctor will send a note to our government representatives in Lebanon to let them know their status. It is expected they will be on the way within the next two weeks. Of course this could change at any time.
Dan told them that the apartment is ready now. Rawa mentioned that she hoped we haven’t gone to too much trouble on their behalf. They are excited to come and thanked our team and the church for what we are doing for them.
Since Glenview enrolled in FundScrip over $14,000 has been raised for our church's mission and ministry. FundScrip sent us a big cheque so we could celebrate, and now we have been featured as a success story on FundScrip's website.
Sunday, June 12th will be the last day to place an order for FundScrip gift cards at Church. The cards ordered June 12th, will be distributed on Sunday, June 19th. However, Glenview Members are encouraged to visit the website:, and using our Glenview invitation code, ESSDHX, sign up as a Glenview Supporter online. Earnings on FundScrip over the summer will be directed towards our Church School. Members may continue to order FundScrip cards directly, and have them shipped to their home over the summer, it's easy! Please note, paying by credit card reduces the amount Glenview receives. You can arrange for electronic transfer or add Fundscrip to your online banking payee list without reducing our income.
Direct Shipping via Canada Post with Lettermail™ during the summer:
- Orders are shipped directly to the supporter
- Shipping costs 85¢ per order, plus taxes, paid by the supporter at checkout
- Limited to four cards per order
- Limited to a total value of $500 per order
- Supporters can place orders as often as they like, independent of any schedule
Fundscrip can transform your everyday spending on items like gas and groceries, restaurants and movies into fundraising dollars. Every little bit adds up. Total as of June 1 is over $14,625.00!
Glenview's resident photographer, Jim Campbell has put together another great collection of photos from our annual Church picnic on June 12.
This summer, Glenview is borrowing an idea from the book Flat Stanley and introducing Flat Jesus.
Jesus is with us always keeping watch and accompanying us in our daily lives and on our grand adventures. This summer help our congregation stay connected as we go different directions embarking on trips, going to camp or staying close to home and exploring our city while spending time with family and friends.
It's all in fun. It's an act of discipleship, too. Be sure to come for coffee after the 10:30 service and meet him for yourself. He's for all of us who are young at heart, a great summer traveling companion for Christians of any age.
Take your Flat Jesus wherever you might go this summer no matter how near or far. Take lots pictures of you, your family, and friends with your Flat Jesus through out the summer and post the images on the Glenview Facebook page or email the church school at glenviewchurchschool [at] gmail [dot] com and we will post them for you.
Rev. DeWolfe talked about Flat Jesus during the May 29th service. You can download a Flat Jesus cutout colouring page here. (.pdf to print on light card stock or heavy paper)
A team of volunteers came out to help us on our plant sale pick up day on May 12. A special thanks for everyone who helped to make this a success.