We were delighted to visit with the whole family last Sunday. They joined us for our barbecue. Nabil and Rawaa were fasting for Ramadan, but the children enjoyed food and treats. They had a great time and expressed thanks afterward. This kind of contact is very important.
The ESL classes for Nabil are progressing. As soon as there is a place in day care Rawaa will also be attending. We are awaiting word from the city.
The boys love their school. Both of them have made friends. Yamen is especially proud of his school work. He never misses a chance to show it to visitors. His English is quite good.
Their happiness in Canada is without question but there are times when Rawaa misses her mother quite a bit as can be expected.
Each day we are with them we see a family who is responsible, happy and thankful for the chance to live here. They have become part of our lives.