Retired Men's Club - 2018  Fall Schedule


Retired Men's Club - 2018 Fall Schedule

The Retired Men’s Club meets during the Fall and Winter Seasons every other
Thursday at noon in the church parlour unless otherwise noted. The Retired Men
and other men of the congregation and their friends are invited to come for an
hour or two of informal fellowship. Bring a lunch – tea and coffee supplied.

October 4, Speaker: Laurence DeWolfe, “Re-Imagining India

October 18, Speaker: Donald Chu, “My Little Walk in the Rockies”

November 1, Speaker: Dr. Robert Drummond, “Ontario After the 2018 Election”

November 15, Speaker: The Hon. Donald Cameron, “Mediation and Arbitration”

November 29, Speaker: The Rev Deb Stanbury, “Ending Exploitation through Empowerment”

December 13, Speaker S/Sgt. James Hogan, “Toronto Policing in 2018”


January 3, 2019, Speaker, Ken Brocklehurst

Coffee Fund Contribution is $10 per person.


Glenview's Great Pumpkin Party


Glenview's Great Pumpkin Party

Glenview's Great Pumpkin Night Friday, October 26

Come and join in, starting at 6:00 pm. You can bring your own pumpkin or claim one or more from Glenview's supply to carve as your imagination leads you!

Pizza and snacks will be provided.

Pumpkin Party 2017!

Pumpkin Party 2017!


Trick or Eat 2018


Trick or Eat 2018

Trick or Eat....Let’s Scare Hunger

Annual Food Drive

Youth from Glenview Church will be going door-to-door collecting non-perishable food items for the North York Harvest Food Bank. Bag Distribution will be Sunday, October 21st, following the service. Bag collection will be on Sunday, October 28th, from 12:00-1:30. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Most Needed Items:

  • Canned fish and meat

  • Canned beans

  • Canned tomatoes 

  • Rice

  • Pasta    

  • Flour

  • Cooking Oil      

  • Low Sugar Cereals

  • Low Sodium Instant Meals and Soups

  • Baby Products (Formula, Food and Diapers)

  • Peanut or Soy Butter

Food donations may also be dropped off at Glenview October 21st - 28th in the marked donation bins at the entrance. Please contact Shannon Wiggan if you are interested in volunteering either the 21st or 28th of October.



Lunch and Learn September 30


Lunch and Learn September 30

It's Your Funeral 2

After our popular Lunch & Learn, “It’s Your Funeral” on May 6, many questions remain. We’ve started some very important, if awkward conversations about death and life. These are just some of the questions we’ll try to answer when we gather to have lunch and learn together on Sunday, September 30 at Noon (or soon after) in the Church Hall.

  • What do Christians believe about life, death, and life after death?

  • What do Christians believe about the human body?

  • Cremation? Earth Burial? Donation to Science?

  • How can we celebrate a life and mourn a death at the same time?

  • How long should grief go on?

Come with your questions. Come with your family and friends. Come with a sandwich. Drinks and extras will be provided.


Welcome Back Sunday September 23


Welcome Back Sunday September 23

Welcome Back Sunday will be September 23. As usual we'll have lunch and fellowship after worship, followed by a Lego Party. Bricks 4 Kidz will invite kids of all ages to work together to create motorized models. Pre-registration isn't necessary, but it would be good to know in advance how many participants we can expect. If possible, contact Laurence, or Lisa in the Church Office to let us know you're coming. No cost to families, though any donations would be received with thanks.


September is Coming!


September is Coming!

It seems as if the summer has just flown by us! It's time now to announce some of our plans for the new Church Program Year that will begin in September.

On Sunday, September 9 we will return to our Fall-Winter-Spring Sunday Schedule, with services at 9:00 and 10:30.

Church School: After Kennis Kim left us in June we had a good look at what we will need to do in September, to restart our Church School and Youth Programs.  After meetings and consultation with Dr. Tori Smit, our Regional Minister for Faith Formation, we're getting ready for a new Program Year following a tried and true Canadian curriculum, The Whole People of God. Classes will resume on Sunday, September 23. On September 9 and 16 all children and youth are invited to worship at 10:30. There will be Activity Packs for busy hands, but the services will be designed so the whole family can participate.

The Whole People of God follows the ecumenical Revised Common Lectionary. We'll return to that Lectionary in our Sunday worship so the whole congregation will hear and reflect on the same Bible readings each week. There will also be more opportunities to integrate music into our Church School, and to plan intergenerational worship.

Welcome Back Sunday will be September 23. As usual we'll have lunch and fellowship after worship, followed by a Lego Party. Bricks 4 Kidz will invite kids of all ages to work together to create motorized models. Pre-registration isn't necessary, but it would be good to know in advance how many participants we can expect. If possible, contact Laurence, or Lisa in the Church Office to let us know you're coming. No cost to families, though any donations would be received with thanks.


Summer Worship Schedule


Summer Worship Schedule

Summer Worship Schedule

We worship at 10:00 a.m.

followed by Lemonade on the Lawn.


Sundays, June 24, July 1, July 8

The Rev. Dr. Laurence DeWolfe


Sundays, July 15, July 22

The Rev. Dr. Jim Czegledi


Sunday, July 29

The Rev. Janet DeWolfe


Sunday, August 5

The Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis


Sundays, August 12, 19, 26, September 2

The Rev. Dr. Laurence DeWolfe


On Sunday, September 9 we return to our regular schedule. We worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.



Summer Outreach Barbecue July 8


Summer Outreach Barbecue July 8

Every summer we welcome our friends from Portland Place Supportive Housing and Evangel Hall MIssion, and our guests at Out of the Cold dinners to a barbecue and a special time of worship. It's always a celebration and those who come every year anticipate it with joy.

Summer Outreach Barbecue 2018 will be on Sunday, July 8.

Helpers come mid-afternoon to get everything ready for our honoured guests' arrival at suppertime. Come and help, serve, and share in the fun!

Contact the Church Office for more information.


Come to Worship on Trinity Sunday, May 27


Come to Worship on Trinity Sunday, May 27

At our 10:30 Service on May 27 we will celebrate!

We'll celebrate the spiritual life of our Grade Three Church School students and present each of them with a Bible

We'll celebrate the growing faith of eight young members as they claim their baptismal faith as their own. Sometimes we call this Affirmation of Faith. Sometimes we call it Confirmation.

We'll celebrate the gifts for service and leadership the Holy Spirit gives us when we ordain and induct Ruling Elders to our Session.

We'll celebrate at the Lord's Table and share in Holy Communion with God, each other, and the world.

Come and join in the celebrations!


Toronto Marathon Street Closures


Toronto Marathon Street Closures

The Toronto Marathon and Half-Marathon will run through Glenview's neighbourhood on Sunday morning. Yonge Street will be closed between York Mills and Eglinton between 0700 and 1000. (If there are runners after 1000 they usually just close one lane for them.)

It will be possible to cross Yonge Street, with police direction at Lawrence and Eglinton.

Duplex Ave. is a good alternate route to the church. You can turn onto it from Eglinton or Lawrence.

Pray for the safety of all the runners.




Lunch and Learn Sunday, May 6


Lunch and Learn Sunday, May 6

Come after worship on Sunday for an important learning opportunity. Bring a bag lunch. Veggie and fruit trays, and beverages will be provided.

A2018-05-06 Lunch and Learn 2.jpg





REIMAGINING INDIA - From Colonialism to Contextual Ministry to Persecution: A presentation by Laurence DeWolfe, Wednesday, May 2 at Noon and 7:30 p.m. at Glenview. Admission is free. A freewill offering will be taken in support of the Ecumenical Centre for Homiletic Orientation (ECHO). Early this year Laurence spent a month teaching preaching in Tamil Nadu, Southeast India and Nagaland, Northeast India. Christians in India live in the long shadow of colonialism, and to many other Indians represent that shadow. Indian churches are also engaged in contextual mission and ministry, which inevitably upsets the social order. The Christian minority now shiver under an advancing shadow: the Hindu Nationalism of the Modi Government, anti-Christian laws in several states, and open persecution in many communities. Come at Noon or 7:30 p.m. to learn about our sisters and brothers in India.



Five Scrolls for Lent


Five Scrolls for Lent

Join Laurence on Wednesdays in Lent and Holy Week, BEGINNING MARCH 7 for study and reflection on “Five Scrolls for Lent”. In the Jewish canon the books of Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther are called The Five Scrolls. Each book fills just one scripture scroll, and each is read through at a festival on the Jewish calendar. The five scrolls focus on spiritual practices that are appropriate subjects for Lenten devotion. As always, if you can’t come to all five sessions you’ll still appreciate the fellowship when you can come. Sessions will be offered at Noon and 7:30 p.m.


Glenview's 93rd Anniversary


Glenview's 93rd Anniversary

Come and Celebrate our Birthday Sunday, January 28 at 10:30 a.m.

We will celebrate in worship with great music. We will celebrate Holy Communion. We will welcome a special guest, The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Crawford. He will return to the pulpit from which he preached his first sermon, in September 1998!

Jeffrey grew up at Glenview, was a member of congregation, worked as assistant caretaker in the summers, , was ordained to ministry at Glenview, and served as Minister-in-Association following his ordination.  He is thrilled to be the Anniversary preacher.

Jeffrey is married to The Rev. Courtney Morris Crawford. Together they are proud parents of Nathan (5) and Hannah (2). 

He is currently Lead Minister at Westmount Presbyterian Church in London, ON.  Jeffrey has served the Presbyterian Church in Canada at all levels- national, Synod, Presbytery and congregational.  

Jeffrey is a lifelong learner. He is a graduate of Victoria College (B.A.) and Knox College (M.Div.) at the University of Toronto, and Drew University (D.Min.) in leadership & practical theology. His doctoral thesis focused on the formation of Christian community in worship. Jeffrey is currently engaged in Co-Active Coaching education. 

Come and celebrate!

Jeffrey Crawford

Jeffrey Crawford


93rd Anniversary Lunch January 28


93rd Anniversary Lunch January 28

It's been awhile since we've celebrated the life and work of the great poet Robert Burns. He was a Hipster before his time, and many other things he doesn't always get credit for. After morning worship on Anniversary Sunday we'll share in a Burns Lunch. We'll have an excellent luncheon meal, after it has been appropriately blessed. And a taste of haggis, after it has been appropriately addressed. We'll toast "The Land We Left and All Who Love It" and "The Land We Live In". Pipers will entertain. The "Immortal Memory" will be observed. Mark the date. Tickets for lunch are $30 ($5 for children) and will be available on Sunday and until Sunday, January 21.
