The Retired Men’s Club meets during the Fall and Winter Seasons every other
Thursday at noon in the church parlour unless otherwise noted. The Retired Men
and other men of the congregation and their friends are invited to come for an
hour or two of informal fellowship. Bring a lunch – tea and coffee supplied.
October 4, Speaker: Laurence DeWolfe, “Re-Imagining India
October 18, Speaker: Donald Chu, “My Little Walk in the Rockies”
November 1, Speaker: Dr. Robert Drummond, “Ontario After the 2018 Election”
November 15, Speaker: The Hon. Donald Cameron, “Mediation and Arbitration”
November 29, Speaker: The Rev Deb Stanbury, “Ending Exploitation through Empowerment”
December 13, Speaker S/Sgt. James Hogan, “Toronto Policing in 2018”
January 3, 2019, Speaker, Ken Brocklehurst
Coffee Fund Contribution is $10 per person.