Making recycled paper
As of this Sunday, the TTC's subway service is now starting at 8:00am, instead of 9:00am.
That means you can now ride the rocket to our 9:00am service. Glenview is a 10-minute walk south of Lawrence station.
The costumes are being fixed. The lines are being memorized. Our annual children’s Christmas pageant is coming together after a dress rehearsal this weekend.
This year’s play is called “Behind the Pageant.” It takes place at the dress rehearsal for a big Christmas production, where some of the characters with the smaller speaking parts realize they don’t really understand the Christmas story they are rehearsing. It is up to other characters to embark on an impromptu re-enactment of the nativity story.
This year’s production takes place on Sunday December 20th during the 10:30am service. It will take place in the Church Hall, instead of the sanctuary.
Glenview just pulled off one of its busiest Sundays in a while.
After two communion services to mark the start of Advent (listen to Rev. DeWolfe's sermon podcast here) we held an inter-generational Advent festival.
A full crowd came out to make candy cottages to take home, candy-cane grocery card holders for our Grocery Assistance Ministry, as well as a selection of Christmas decorations and Christmas stockings to support Portland Place, Out of the Cold and Meals-on-Wheels.
A photo gallery of the event can be found on Facebook.
After that, our youth group hosted Out of the Cold. You can see photos from that event in the ViewPoint section of our website. Under Kennis Kim and Shannon Wiggan's leadership our youth and friends prepared a nourishing meal that received rave reviews. They shared and learned a lot from our adult volunteers and our dinner guests.
Finally, the day wrapped up with the "Child's Christmas in Wales" concert in the sanctuary. Tom Allen, from Glenview and CBC, read Dylan Thomas' words, accompanied by Lori Gemmell (harp), Sonia Harper Nyby (soprano), Etsuko Kimura (violin), and Peter Merrick (organ and piano).
As our new Senior Minister, Rev. Laurence DeWolfe noted "Great congregation, leadership, youth and children, musicians (in house and guest), all under one roof. This is an extraordinarily talented and energized congregation."
On Sunday, our confirmation class visited the Shaarei Shomayim Synagogue (near Glenvcairn Ave and Bathurst).
Our young members spoke with Avi Levison to learn how Christianity compares and contrasts with other faiths.
The students asked some good questions. For most of them, it was the first time they had ever visited another place of worship.
Rev. Dr. Laurence DeWolfe was officially inducted as Glenview's Senior minister during a special 4:00 service at Glenview on November 1st.
Members of the congregation and The Presbytery of East Toronto were in attendance.
You can listen to a recording of the service here:
Part 1 involves the Narration of Steps and an induction Prayer. Participants: Mr. Michael Reid, Moderator of Presbytery
Part 2 involves the Charge and Covenant from the Presbytery and the Congregation. Participants: Mr. Michael Reid, Moderator of Presbytery; Barbara Hepburn, Clerk of Session; Rev. Dr. Robert Faris, Interim Moderator; Geoff Olson, Representing Glenview Family; Rev. Dr. Maureen Walter, Minister of St. John's Church; Charlotte Youngson, recently ordained Elder at Glenview; Grant Vistorino, Representative Elder from Glenview to the Presbytery of East Toronto; Rev. Alex Bisset, Clerk of the Presbytery of East Toronto
Photo Gallery: Coming soon
If you subscribe to Glenview's Podcast feed, the URL has changed.
You may have noticed you haven't been receiving the latest Sunday sermons.
To fix this, you'll need to delete your old feed and then add this new one:
You should be able to search for an updated Glenview podcast feed in iTunes, Sticher, and Pocketcasts.
We need help coming up with goods to be sold at our annual Christmas fair on December 5th
Please bring your seasonal preserves, sauces, baked goods, Christmas gifts and handmade ornaments, candles, decorations and stocking stuffers to church on Thursday, December 3 and place them on the stage marked "Glenview Christmas Fair”.
Thank you for supporting Glenview.
What a great job! Glenview's youth group (working alongside youth groups from Blythwood Baptist and Eglinton St. George) held a wonderful Trick or Eat food drive on Saturday October 24th.
View photos of the event on our Facebook page:
Congratulations to our youth groups for a successful Trick or Eat food drive. Joining forces with young people from...
Posted by Glenview Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 25, 2015