When will we open our doors?


When will we open our doors?

When will we open our doors for Sunday worship?

The GTA is still in Phase One of Ontario's staged opening after lockdown. But houses of worship all over the province can open for services. This calls on us to weigh the risks and benefits of resuming worship in the building, especially because we are in Toronto.

Some communities of faith have decided to open the doors to their worship spaces sooner, rather than later. We've found that most Presbyterian and United Churches, and all Anglican Churches in Toronto, will open later, rather than sooner.

Glenview Session has decided not to open for worship right away. Session will meet again on August 4 and set a date for worship in the building then. In the meantime, worship will continue via resources posted on the Glenview website.

Laurence DeWolfe will be on vacation through July, returning on August 4. James Mason will also be on vacation. He will return on August 9.

The number of people permitted at Weddings and Funerals has been increased, but not to the extent of the allowance for a congregation's regular worship.

As we must always say at this interesting time, more news to come!


Zoom to the Rockies! Now With Video!


Zoom to the Rockies! Now With Video!

An account of Donald Chu's adventure mountaineering in the Canadian Rockies, and the wonders of the General Mountaineering Camp, with the Alpine Club of Canada. Donald presented this program live on Wednesday, June 3.





Communion for Pentecost

By Session decision, and after an online discussion on Thursday evening, we will celebrate Holy Communion, virtually and live on Sunday. Those who would like to participate are invited to a Zoom meeting on Sunday, at 11:15 a.m. The invitation is below. Rev. Laurence and Rev. Janet DeWolfe will preside. Please set aside a beverage (juice, wine, or another beverage with flavour) and some bread (of any kind). You'll receive instructions before we proceed. If you can't participate at 11:15 the event will be recorded and posted with the Worship Resources for Sunday. We'll discuss the experience afterward.

Pentecost Communion

Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:15 AM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 874 2314 2302

Dial by your location

       +1 647 374 4685 Canada

       +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 874 2314 2302

There are two separate Zoom meetings. One at 11:15 for Communion and another at 11:30 for Coffee Hour.





Our worship content may not be live (though recorded live!) but our after-service fellowship over coffee and tea continues. We meet face-to-face (face-to-faces) via Zoom, Sundays at 11:30 a.m.. The invitation and sign-in details will be sent out by email on Friday.





April 29, 2020

In keeping with the extension of both provincial and municipal Emergency Orders, Session agreed last night to continue the suspension of services, meetings, and rentals until May 31. We are waiting for the Premier's press briefing later today, when he will release more details of the three-stage plan for "re-opening Ontario". It's not clear whether Phase Two of Phase Three will allow us to open Glenview. We know things change from week to week, even day to day. As the Premier said, "It's a map, not a calendar."

The Virtual Coffee Hour on Sunday was a great success. At least 50 people were present for at least part of the gathering. The April Session meeting was also held via Zoom. It seems Zoom serves us better for meetings than for worship. Next Sunday, May 3, worship content will be pre-recorded and posted. We'll also meet for another Virtual Coffee Hour. One blessing of gathering by Zoom is the ability to bridge distances. It was great to share time with Francie Maroosis, from her new home in Guelph.

We weren't able to celebrate Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Our next Communion is scheduled for Pentecost, May 31. If we are able to have a service in the church on that date, we will proceed more or less as usual. If worship is still online, Session has agreed to follow the example of many congregations and share the sacrament virtually. The Presbyterian Church in Canada's position is that there may be very particular circumstances under which such a practice is allowed.

Our ministry team and staff continue in their work. No one has been laid off. Our Bookkeeper, Andrea, works from home. Treasurer Barbara picks up mail at the church, does the banking, and stays in touch with Andrea. Andrea is tracking all the figures and has thoroughly researched Glenview's eligibility for financial assistance from the federal government. James and Fabian work in the building separately, completing tasks set by the Property Team. Laurence is in the main office and his own office several times a week. He checks for messages and sorts mail. Other times he works from his home. Jim is at home, visiting over the phone. Peter works with Laurence and our choir Section Leaders to prepare worship for Sundays. If at any time there are more than one person in the church building, appropriate distance is maintained.

Our regular distribution of Metro grocery cards will continue in May. We were able to share the cards in an appropriate way on April 7th and 8th. May dates are the 5th and 6th.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this strange time. A special thank you to those of you who have come to Glenview and deposited your envelopes through the mail slot! Some have had to stand on their tiptoes!

The best things we all can do at this time is follow the instructions of our leaders and medical experts. Pray for them, that they may have wisdom. Pray also for the members and friends of our congregation who work on the front lines in hospitals and nursing homes, and for the families of those who are in care but can't be visited. Give thanks for the many ways we continue to be connected to one another.


Worship While Services and Studies are Cancelled


Worship While Services and Studies are Cancelled

During this difficult time, when we can’t meet in our church building, we have to feed our souls at home. We can stay in touch with each other by phone or email. We can pray, read our Bibles, and meditate anywhere. But we’re accustomed to preached messages and assisted prayers. Knowing that we’re hearing and praying the same words as others in our congregation can comfort us. Here are some suggestions.

  1. The complete March 15 service is available in audio on our Sermon Podcast page.

  2. This website includes an archive of sermons by several preachers since at least 2015. If you’d like to listen to a sermon you will find a link to the scriptures for that sermon in the introduction to the recording. If you know someone who isn’t into technology, but would like to hear a message, you can play it for them on your phone.

  3. Check this website for Bible Study resources. The last three sessions of How to Read the Bible 1 are online.

  4. Beginning on Wednesday, March 18, Laurence will post a daily reflection on weekdays, and a message on Sundays.


COVID-19 Precautions at Glenview


COVID-19 Precautions at Glenview

Please read carefully and share the content with people who don't have email.

At a meeting of congregational leaders and staff this afternoon, March 15 we made a difficult decision. All services and meetings at Glenview are cancelled until further notice. We hope to be able to resume worship with the 10:30 service on Easter Sunday, April 12. It's difficult to set any dates, however, as circumstances and instructions change daily. Our ministers and visitors will be available in times of need. Visits may be conducted by telephone. Helpers will be available to run errands for people who are unable to leave their homes during this time, and any who are afraid to go out. Anyone who is concerned about their offerings can call the church and ask for someone to pick it up from them at home. Devotional material and prayers will be available via the Glenview Facebook page and on this website.

COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Precautions at Glenview

It’s called Abundance of Caution. Scientists tell us we can slow the spread of the virus by acting now. We take precautions to protect ourselves. It’s more important that we understand we have to protect people around us. Until Public Health officials give further instructions we will continue to meet for worship on Sundays at 10:30, but with the following practices and restrictions.

1.     With great regret we will suspend the 9:00 service until further notice. The intimate atmosphere and worship space actually put us at risk. The Maundy Thursday evening service has also been cancelled. The Go Bus will not run until further notice.

2.     Enter the sanctuary from the narthex through the centre doors, or from the office corridor through the door in the west transept. There will be a greeter at each door with hand sanitizer. In the narthex you can also use the sanitizer dispensers installed there.

3.     When you’re in the sanctuary, please don’t sit close to others. Don’t shake hands.

4.     Follow the service on the screens. To minimize hand-to-hand contact, we will not print bulletins. We can’t thoroughly sanitize Hymn Books, Psalters, or Bibles. Please use them only if you can’t read from the screens. Clean your hands immediately after the service. Pump bottles of Purell will be placed among the pews. Choir members, use your own Book of Praise only. Wash your hands before and after worship and choir practice.

5.     To share the Peace of Christ, please stand, put your hands together in the position of prayer, and speak to those closest to you. Don’t leave your seat.

6.     Offering plates will not be passed down the pews. There will be plates at each entrance to the sanctuary. Please put your offering in the plate as you enter. If you forget, there will be a time in the service when you can go and place your envelope.

7.     There will be no refreshments served after the service until further notice.

8.     ON WEEKDAYS: Hand sanitizer will be available in all rooms where meetings are held. If it’s possible to conduct your meeting via telephone or online, please do so.

9.     PASTORAL CARE: Our ministers and other visitors may not be able to see you in person, especially if you live in a Nursing Home or Retirement Community. Visitation may be restricted or banned. We also have to observe all protocols and restrictions in hospitals. It may be necessary to visit by telephone.

10. SUNDAY GREETERS: Wash your hands thoroughly when you enter the building. Go to the office and get a bottle of Purell. Use it on your own hands. Take up your position (west transept door or centre aisle entrance from the narthex). Ask each person who wants to enter the sanctuary to extend a hand. Only your hand must touch the pump on the bottle. Reapply Purell to your own hands several times before the service begins.

It may be necessary to amend this list or add to it. Cancelling all services and meetings will be a last resort. However, use your own discretion about attending.

If we must close our doors, or if you are confined to your home, Glenview still needs your support. Please consider signing up for Pre-Authorized Remittance so you don’t have to worry about getting your envelope to the church.


Lenten BIble Study has moved to this Website


Lenten BIble Study has moved to this Website

How to Read the Bible 1.jpg

In keeping with our ongoing focus on passionate spirituality and spiritual practices, and in response to requests, this year's Lenten Bible Study will begin an ongoing exploration of How to Read the Bible. This is for anyone who would like to more about the Bible and how reading it can be or become an important part of our lives. We'll start at the beginning by asking the question, "What is the Bible?" You may be surprised by some of the answers we'll find!

Link to online sessions


Advent Festival December 1


Advent Festival December 1

Advent Festival and Congregational Lunch 2019 December 1 Following Worship Lunch for everyone will be served in the Church Hall, followed by the Advent Festival with arts and craft workshops to support Glenview’s outreach programmes.  Lead our young people and model the act of sharing by coming to help prepare these “gifts of the season” for those who rely on our community outreach.


Advent Bible Study


Advent Bible Study

Advent Study: Christmas Accounts in the Gospels, Wednesdays, November 27 & December 4,11,18. Sessions at Noon and 7:30 p.m. Each of the four Gospels begins the story of Jesus in a different way. We will pay an Advent / Christmas visit to all of them. There’s a brief reading for each week. Copies of the first reading will be available from Laurence or Lisa.

Advent Study 2019.jpg


All Saints and All Sorts Sunday, November 3


All Saints and All Sorts Sunday, November 3

Every congregation is made up of saints, who are all sorts of people. On the Sunday nearest All Saints’ Day (November 1) we remember members of our congregation, and families and friends of members, who have died in the preceding twelve months. We take time to give thanks for the gifts they were to us, and the legacies they have left to us. We light memory candles. We celebrate Holy Communion. Everyone is welcome.


Pumpkin Party October 27


Pumpkin Party October 27

We’ll try something different this year. Our annual Pumpkin Party will be held on Sunday, October 27, after worship. As always, we;ll have pizza for lunch. Carvers of ALL ages are welcome. Big hands can also help little hands. You can bring your own pumpkin to the church or carve a pumpkin that we’ll provide for your use.

