April 29, 2020

In keeping with the extension of both provincial and municipal Emergency Orders, Session agreed last night to continue the suspension of services, meetings, and rentals until May 31. We are waiting for the Premier's press briefing later today, when he will release more details of the three-stage plan for "re-opening Ontario". It's not clear whether Phase Two of Phase Three will allow us to open Glenview. We know things change from week to week, even day to day. As the Premier said, "It's a map, not a calendar."

The Virtual Coffee Hour on Sunday was a great success. At least 50 people were present for at least part of the gathering. The April Session meeting was also held via Zoom. It seems Zoom serves us better for meetings than for worship. Next Sunday, May 3, worship content will be pre-recorded and posted. We'll also meet for another Virtual Coffee Hour. One blessing of gathering by Zoom is the ability to bridge distances. It was great to share time with Francie Maroosis, from her new home in Guelph.

We weren't able to celebrate Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Our next Communion is scheduled for Pentecost, May 31. If we are able to have a service in the church on that date, we will proceed more or less as usual. If worship is still online, Session has agreed to follow the example of many congregations and share the sacrament virtually. The Presbyterian Church in Canada's position is that there may be very particular circumstances under which such a practice is allowed.

Our ministry team and staff continue in their work. No one has been laid off. Our Bookkeeper, Andrea, works from home. Treasurer Barbara picks up mail at the church, does the banking, and stays in touch with Andrea. Andrea is tracking all the figures and has thoroughly researched Glenview's eligibility for financial assistance from the federal government. James and Fabian work in the building separately, completing tasks set by the Property Team. Laurence is in the main office and his own office several times a week. He checks for messages and sorts mail. Other times he works from his home. Jim is at home, visiting over the phone. Peter works with Laurence and our choir Section Leaders to prepare worship for Sundays. If at any time there are more than one person in the church building, appropriate distance is maintained.

Our regular distribution of Metro grocery cards will continue in May. We were able to share the cards in an appropriate way on April 7th and 8th. May dates are the 5th and 6th.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this strange time. A special thank you to those of you who have come to Glenview and deposited your envelopes through the mail slot! Some have had to stand on their tiptoes!

The best things we all can do at this time is follow the instructions of our leaders and medical experts. Pray for them, that they may have wisdom. Pray also for the members and friends of our congregation who work on the front lines in hospitals and nursing homes, and for the families of those who are in care but can't be visited. Give thanks for the many ways we continue to be connected to one another.
