Returning to Worship at Glenview
We will worship in the Sanctuary on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. We’ll be following precautions required by Toronto Public Health and our pastoral concern for all who come.
We need to know in advance who, and how many will attend. Please call the church (416-488-1156) between 1:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Saturday. Leave a message to tell us you plan to attend, and who will be coming with you. There is a page on our website on our website you can use to register your intention to come.
When you come on Sunday morning you’ll find that the only entrance to the Sanctuary is through the main (east) door into the Narthex. Please be aware that entry will take more time than usual. Come early. The door will be open by 10:00 a.m. Please observe physical distancing as you approach the door and wait to enter.
Just inside the door there will be someone to greet you. You’ll clean your hands. If you don’t have a mask, one will be provided for you. You’ll wear a mask inside the building at all times.
When you step further inside someone else will greet you, and ask you to sign in, with your name, telephone number, and email. You’ll also answer some questions about your health, contacts with others, and travel. We need that information in case we have to provide it to Toronto Public Health. In the unfortunate event that someone who has attended our service is tested positive for COVID-19, TPH will carry out contract tracing.
You will be directed to enter the Sanctuary through the centre doors. As you approach that entrance you’ll find a place to leave your offering. The plates won’t be passed through the pews. If you’ve been giving by mail, online, or through PAR, please continue to do so.
When you enter the Sanctuary, someone will greet you and escort you to one of the safe spots for seating. We will have about 50 places for individuals, couples, or families to sit at the appropriate distance from others.
The Balcony, West Transept, and Chapel will be closed.
Families with children will be invited to sit toward the front of the Nave, so they can see and hear elements of the service that are especially for them.
If you think you’ll need a sip of water during the service, please bring a filled water bottle. If you need to go to the washroom, you may leave the Sanctuary through the door to the right (west) of the Chancel. The Accessible Washroom beside the Office will be available. There will be room for one person to wait outside the washroom door. There will be no other access to the corridor.
If you bring a jacket or sweater you will not be able to hang it in the Narthex. You may find you need it in your seat. All windows and doors will be open, to provide as much ventilation as possible. (Overhead fans won’t be running. They’re designed to defeat natural ventilation and save heat in winter.)
You won’t be offered a service Bulletin in the Narthex. There will be no Hymn Books, Psalters, Bibles, or copies of Living Faith in the pew racks. All announcements and words for worship will be on the screens.
For the time being we will worship without congregational singing. There will be worship music and spoken prayer. You can hum or whisper behind your mask. We will greet one another, and share the Peace of Christ at distance, with gestures. Worship Leaders will speak behind a screen.
The service will not fill an hour. Some familiar elements will be missing. Our time together in one space will be limited, as is advised for indoor gatherings.
At the end of the service, please stay in your seat until you’re directed to move to the west aisle. You will enter the Narthex and move to the left. The west door will be your exit. There are some stairs on the way to the west door. If the steps are a barrier for you, please wait in your seat until someone can guide you to the east door and the ramp outside.
We’ll continue to post worship resources on our website, for those who can’t come, or who choose not to come out of concern for their health.
Our Virtual Coffee Hour will continue on Zoom, beginning at Noon.