Christmas Pageant and White Gifts 2018 — Glenview Presbyterian Church
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“White Gifts”: Continuing the tradition, your contributions will be received during the Pageant on Sunday, December 16. This year White Gifts will support ARISE Ministry, our Presbyterian outreach to women involved in the sex trade. Please don’t bring bring food. Financial contributions in white envelopes would be welcome. You can also contribute the following items, wrapped in white paper or unwrapped.

·       Hand and Toe Warmers

·       Gum, Mini Chocolates Bars

·       Lip Balm, Face Cream

·       Makeup (lipstick, blush, eye shadow, mascara, foundation)

·       Hair Elastics and Bobby Pins

·       Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets

·       Decorative Pens & Pencils

·       Pocket-Sized Hand Sanitizer

·       Moist Towelettes (individually wrapped, no water needed)

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