Order your holiday plants by Nov. 17
Since the pandemic, visits to food banks across Toronto have more than tripled. Our help is needed now, more than ever. That's why we are organizing a canned food drive on behalf of Daily Bread Food Bank. You're invited to fill up a bag with nourishing, non-perishable food, which will help make an immediate difference for families experiencing food insecurity across our city. Most needed items include:
Canned fish, meat and fruit
Canned beans and pulses
Canned tomatoes
Rice, Oatmeal (or even quinoa!)
Cooking oil
Thank you for your generosity. Donation bags will be in the pews in October. Together, we can ensure that our neighbours experiencing hunger can access the nutritious food they need.
If you would prefer to make a cash donation directly to the Daily Bread food bank, please use the button below: