Join us on January 28th for an afternoon of understanding and reconciliation.
Some scenes from our end-of-the-year Congregational BBQ on June 19th. Thanks to everyone who helped to prepare the food. Photo credits to Jim Campbell.
The congregational survey was distributed by email and regular mail. Responses to the survey questions will reveal much about the feelings of the congregation towards our ministry and provide information for the Committee in the process of choosing a new minister. The deadline for responses is July 18, 2022. The Committee needs time to analyze the data and prepare the congregational report for Session in September. Please encourage any Glenview members/adherents/staff you know to complete the survey.
If you are having difficulty filling in the online survey, please contact the church office.
If a Glenview member/adherent/staff you know did not receive the survey, please ask them to provide the Church Office with their current email address.
We continue to work on other aspects of the process.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Matthew Sams (Interim Moderator), Deanna Chu (Co-Convenor) or Bill Collier (Co-Convenor) at any time.
The committee continues to work preparing a questionnaire for the congregation to complete.
This is a very important part of the process, as it will reveal much about the feelings of the congregation towards our ministry and provide information for the committee in the process of choosing a new minister. This should be in your hands by the end of the month. We also encourage those who know people from Glenview who have not stayed in touch over the past few years to let us know, as we want to hear from them through the survey so we can have as much feedback as possible. We are also working on other aspects of the process and dividing up responsibilities to involve all members of the committee.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Matthew Sams (Interim Moderator), Deanna Chu (Co-Convenor) or Bill Collier (Co-Convenor) at any time.
On Sunday, April 24 we will honour an ancient tradition of the Church. On the first Sunday after Easter we will celebrate God’s victory over death with great joy and gales of laughter (Presbyterian-style). Ancestors in faith imagined Jesus mocking the Devil and gleefully unlocking the gates of Hell. Perhaps we can just take the day to have a big, deep breath after the sorrow and suspense of Holy Week and Good Friday, and the suspense of Easter morning.
We’ll also ordain and induct Elders, appropriate for a time of great joy!
Holy Humour Sunday
April 24 at 10:00 a.m.
Worship at Glenview
April 15, Good Friday
Service at Glenview at 10:00 a.m.
April 17, Easter Sunday
Service at 10:00 a.m.
Come and join in the celebration, our first Easter “back home”!
We’ll share in our first Communion around our Table since 2019.
After 25 months silent our Choir will lead our praises.
April 24, Holy Humour Sunday
Service at 10:00 a.m.
Ordination and Induction of Elders
May 1 at 10:00 a.m.
“Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen”
This will be Rev. Dr. Laurence DeWolfe’s last Sunday with us
before he begins his retirement from active ministry.
Services will resume in the building on Sunday, March 13. Reservations will not be required. Physical distancing is still required. Some pews may be roped off to allow for distancing. Masks must be worn inside the building at all times. If we don't already have it on file you will be asked to provide proof of vaccination. Further details and instructions will be given closer to the date.
In-person Coffee Hour will resume at a later date.
Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, March 6, at the end of the online live streamed service.
March 2 - April 14
Take a worshipful walk along Jesus' journey to the cross! Crossings: A Journey to Easter is an all-outdoor art exhibition featuring 16 art pieces depicting the scriptural stations of the cross. Set at sites throughout downtown and midtown Toronto, Crossings draws upon the centuries-old Christian spiritual practice of walking and praying the path that Jesus took on his way to the cross. In this exhibit, the Stations are captured through sacred art pieces expressing the dramatic moments of Jesus’ final hours.
This pilgrimage-style Journey to Easter will take visitors figuratively along the journey that Jesus took through unjust suffering leading to redemption. It will offer an opportunity to reflect on what the Jesus story offers as a way to respond to the contemporary social justice issues of today.
There are ten Crossings Downtown Stations and six Midtown Stations. The Journey to Easter Arts Exhibition begins with Alpha - The Triumphal Entry, located at Knox Presbyterian Church and concludes with Omega - The Resurrection, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. For visitors wishing to walk the 10 Downtown Stations, it will take approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Visiting the six Midtown Stations will take approximately 1 hour.
For more information go to
We will begin a Lenten Bible Study on March 2, on Zoom.
A Book Recommendation for Lent
Lent begins on Wednesday, March 2
Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass
“Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Saviour, Lord, Way, and Presence”
The six sessions of the study will follow the titles and chapters in Bass's book. You don't have to read the book to join in the study, but you''ll enjoy the discussion even more if you have read it.
Freeing Jesus is available in several formats, online and in bookstores. The Toronto Public Library has seven copies in print and two ebooks. There's also a Glenvew copy you can borrow.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 1892 9441 Passcode: 173378
Dial in: 647 558 0588 or 647 374 4685
Glenview Presbyterian Church Christmas Chocolate Sale
Way to go Glenview!
We made over $1273 from our Purdy's chocolate orders!
We hope to distribute the orders with the Christmas Fair items on December 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th.
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Contact Shannon Wiggan for more information.
Get ready for our Second Annual Virtual Christmas Fair! It will be live online December 3 - 10. The Shopify Store will be linked to this website.
If you would like to donate items to the sale, click this link and you’ll find all the information you need.
After the sale closes, orders will be available for pick-up from 12:00 pm-6:00 pm on Friday, December 10th, between 10:00 and 3:00 on Saturday, December 11th, following the service on Sunday, December 12th, from 11:00-1:00 pm, and on Monday, December13th, from 10:00 to 6:00 pm.
September 29, 2021
Session has agreed that Proof of Full Vaccination is required of everyone older than age 12 who wishes to attend worship on Sundays.
If you make a reservation online, you'll be asked if you are fully vaccinated. This is effective immediately. When you enter the building for the first time, your Vaccination Receipt and ID will be checked. On future Sundays you will still indicate on your reservation form that you are fully vaccinated. If you make your reservation by phone, please include your vaccination status in your message.
We will continue to follow the advice of Toronto Public Health and exercise precautions inside the building. That includes opening windows and doors to achieve the best ventilation possible. We know that means the sanctuary may be chilly. Please bring a jacket or sweater.
This news may be a little confusing. You may have heard that churches have been exempted from the provincial requirement for Proof of Full Vaccination at gathering places. We are joining with churches and temples around the province in choosing to impose this requirement. The Province of Ontario's decision to exempt places of worship does not reflect the fact that religious gatherings without restrictions have proven to be sources of infection.
We delayed opening for services because we believe, "Because we can doesn't mean we must." At this time we are saying, "Because we don't have to doesn't mean we won't."
We will observe World Communion Day with a celebration of Holy Communion on Sunday, October 3, on Zoom, at 11:30 a.m.
Session has decided that we are not prepared, yet, to have a Communion service in the sanctuary. Toronto Public Health guidelines still discourage communion services with more than a very few people. Our communion plates and trays are still in storage, and our kitchen isn't ready for prep or cleanup. More important are our ongoing concerns for spreading infection, even with greatly altered methods of serving the bread and cups.
The 10:00 service will proceed as usual. It will be like an old-fashioned Preparatory Service before the Communion Service. The service will be cut a little short to allow time for those who wish to participate to get home, get some bread and juice ready, and sign in to Zoom. The Zoom link will be our usual Coffee Hour link.
Thank you for your continued co-operation and patience as we navigate our way through COVID-time.
In conjunction with the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, we will enter a Glenview team in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge. Our goal will be to raise funds for our Special Fund and the ministries it supports: ARISE, Boarding Homes Ministry, Cariboo (BC) Ministry, Evangel Hall, Native Child and Family Services Toronto, and Portland Place.
“Team Glenview” has 11 team members who run or walk a Marathon, 10K and 5K, either virtually on their own terms or at the in-person event.
If you are interested in supporting Glenview’s team with a donation, please go to Glenview’s fundraising page: If you wish to donate to a Glenview team member, please scroll down to "Teams" and click on "Glenview Presbyterian Church".
Glenview will be issuing all donation receipts. For those who have a Glenview envelope number, the Scotiabank Marathon donation will be included on the year-end charitable receipt issued by Glenview. For those who don't have a Glenview number, Glenview will issue and send a receipt.
If you have any questions, please contact Natalie.
In response to the devastating confirmation of unmarked graves on the grounds of former residential schools, and in honour of the children who were lost and all people living with the consequences of that legacy, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has established the Honouring the Children: Reconciliation and Residential Schools Fund. This fund will support initiatives associated with searches for unmarked burial sites in communities where schools were operated by The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
This work begins with listening. We continue to live out the covenants made in the 1994 Confession, be led by the principles articulated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and seek the guidance of Indigenous people and affected communities. Responses may include searching for graves, responding to trauma and supporting healing initiatives. All work will complement efforts to address systemic racism against Indigenous people, both in the church and Canadian society, and the ongoing healing and reconciliation work being done in the ministries of the National Indigenous Ministries Council.
To begin, the church has committed $1 million from national funds and invites congregations and individuals to make additional contributions to this important work.
Donate directly to the fund online through the button below. If you wish to make a contribution through Glenview, please clearly designate your gift as “Honouring the Children PCC”. Thank you!